0:00 START
0:01 Verizon Fios on-demand venting
0:08 CALL - Billy - NJ - Fast forward
0:11 CALL - Rick - NJ - Skip ahead
0:12 CALL - Glenn - NJ - Pause
0:17 CALL - Nucky Thompson - AC -
Cable TV
0:18 Live car chase
0:27 CALL - Matthew - AZ - Pausing
0:27 New website
0:30 LIVE READ - Fan Duel
0:42 STORY - Freddie Gray huts self in
back of van
0:46 Ant keeps his perfect record in
big media cases
0:52 CALL - Clyde - OH - Cleveland
0:59 LIVE READ - Lootcrate
1:00 CALL - Teddy - CA - O and J new
1:17 CALL - Ray - CA - Eric Garner's
1:37 CALL - Brian - GA - Wii rape
1:39 Concentrate on the good
1:42 New ship in Eve Online
1:46 H1Z1
1:50 Stump breaking horse
1:51 LIVE READ - Shari's Berries
1:54 Oculus Rift
1:56 CALL - John - OH - Sam Jackson
and Eve
2:04 NFL draft
2:07 END