We are proud to announce that we have finally signed a partnership w Zype to provide an app for all platforms (starting with IOS) which will include video downloads to your device. The Android app will follow.
We appreciate everyone patience during the process that it took to find the right partner to develop what we expect to be a top notch app.
We expect the app to be finished in early first quarter 2015. We will update everyone periodically on the progress.
Thanks again & see you Monday.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Norton, Hutt, Shaffir - The Best of The Anthony Cumia Show Podcast Episode 14
Anthony and Ari Shaffir on dating younger women, Rudy Giuliani's comments on Meet the Press. Dr. Steve botches a circumcision as Anthony and Jenny Hutt react in horror. Anthony and Jim Norton catch up and talk about Ferguson.
iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/best-anthony-cumia-show/id915622390
RSS link: http://www.buzzsprout.com/29034
Please subscribe and rate the podcast on iTunes!
Listen Now:
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
November 26, 2014 Rundown
4:01 PM PIC - Banana blow job picture
4:02 PM Normal/Hilarious
4:02 PM Dr. Steve appearance
4:04 PM Uncle Paul's baggy of snacks
4:06 PM Jenny Hutt's hotness
4:07 PM Jimmy's VICE show update
4:10 PM Vos during the XM walk-over
4:12 PM Jim shooting another special
4:14 PM Jim's thoughts on Ferguson
4:20 PM The Uncle Paul sitcom
4:22 PM Media coverage of the riots
4:25 PM Rate rakes
4:27 PM CALL - Lady Di - Hung up on
4:29 PM CALL - Tim - Easton - Mike Brown riots
4:30 PM CALL - Peter - Canada - Mike Brown
4:32 PM The infamous Tyson picture
4:34 PM Cregg Shenkel
4:35 PM Bill Cosby
4:40 PM Banana pic photoshop from @jerkcastjohn
4:42 PM What made Cosby drug women?
4:44 PM Jim doesn't like vulnerable girls
4:46 PM Jerking off while texting
4:46 PM Dr Steve getting through the airport with baby dicks
4:52 PM Mail Time - Wacky Horn, pacifiers,
4:55 PM Girlfriends
5:00 PM Ant has no game with girls
5:05 PM Pat O'Brien voicemails
5:08 PM Mail - boy pussy and Buck Angel
5:09 PM Rat's virginity
5:10 PM Mail - girl with big bush, not-that-nice letter
5:14 PM Hairy pussy impressions
5:18 PM CALL - David - Israel
5:19 PM CALL - Carl - St Louis - Hold On
5:22 PM CALL - Jared - Grand Rapids - Jimmy in Michigan?
5:23 PM Joe DeRosa situation
5:24 PM The Thanksgiving Killer
5:29 PM Dueling Chippahs
5:30 PM Jimmy farts
5:31 PM Full relationships over texts
5:36 PM Bobo wrestling Samantha
5:39 PM Thanksgiving plans
5:42 PM CALL - Jay - Colorado - Jim's opinion on anonymous posters
5:45 PM CALL - Ben - Boston - Hold On
5:46 PM CALL - Eric - Hackensack - Ferguson conspiracy
5:50 PM Bill Cosby and Amanda Bynes
5:54 PM Not handling technology well
5:58 PM CALL - Brian - Indianapolis - Fat Albert impression
6:00 PM CALL - OCD Guy - Myrtle Beach -
6:00 PM CALL - Nate - Maine - Times posted Darren Wilson's
6:04 PM CALL - Nucky Thompson - AC - Ferguson
6:07 PM Jerry Grey Arms
6:11 PM END
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
November 25, 2014 Rundown
4:01 PM Anthony is safe!
4:04 PM Darren Wilson non-indictment
4:09 PM Hospital pictures of Darren Wilson
4:11 PM Play-by-play account of the shooting
4:18 PM Poor people's brain theory?
4:19 PM Obama starts talking and the tear gas gets launched
4:22 PM Keith the Cop's eye witness account
4:25 PM Businesses in the community
4:26 PM It's indefensible
4:29 PM Keith almost shot a guy with a Walkman
4:34 PM "The Mike Brown Law"
4:36 PM News coverage of the riots
4:39 PM Mike Brown's pictures used by the media
4:42 PM VIDEO - Mike Brown's Step father
4:48 PM Photoshop contest winner announcement
4:51 PM Jenny Hutt's big red bush
4:57 PM Dr. Steve's bottle of wine
4:58 PM Dr. Steve on Opie and Jim's show
5:02 PM Pouring wine with Bill Cosby
5:03 PM Jenny thinks Cosby did it
5:05 PM Mexican Coke and Passover Coke
5:06 PM Alcohol changing peoples personality
5:10 PM Dr. Steve's divorce party
5:11 PM Anthony's final divorce payment
5:12 PM Dominick Barbara shows up at Ant's house
5:16 PM Dr. Steve's baby penis simulator
5:20 PM Adult circumscisions
5:23 PM Dr. Steve performs a circumscision
5:30 PM Jenny Hutt and Anthony argue the Mike Brown case
5:41 PM Dr Steve's prostate exam training device
5:45 PM Stage 4 prostate insert
5:51 PM Go have your fucking prostate checked
5:52 PM Textures of boobs
5:54 PM CALL - Scott - Montana - Dr. Steve looks like Teller
5:56 PM Dr. Steve's Magic
6:00 PM Bar bets
6:05 PM Wrap up/plugs
6:08 PM END
Monday, November 24, 2014
November 24, 2014 Rundown
4:01 PM Wrestling preview
4:02 PM Ari Shaffir arrives
4:04 PM Ant's mom working at a disco
4:06 PM Cheap friends and cheap beer
4:08 PM Mystery Wrestler
4:09 PM Ferguson recap and predictions
4:19 PM Samantha from Super Action Fight joins the table
4:20 PM Samantha's background
4:21 PM The Challenger comes to the table
4:23 PM Ebobo lays the smack down
4:24 PM Start of wrestling
4:34 PM End of wrestling
4:36 PM Bobo starts new job today
4:38 PM Bobo job details
4:39 PM Hazmat or non hazmat
4:41 PM Bobo's 4th of July was almost ruined
4:43 PM How Mr. Maloonigans got his name
4:46 PM The Joe DeRosa situation
4:49 PM Samantha reveals she has a boyfriend
4:54 PM Bobo's perfect hair
4:58 PM Bobo's friend in a wheelchair
4:59 PM Bobo chokes up over his friend
5:04 PM Bobo has to go
5:09 PM After school activites cancelled in Ferguson
5:18 PM Dating 20 year olds
5:22 PM The problems with older women
5:28 PM Samantha's feet
5:29 PM Faizon Love defends Bill Cosby over twitter
5:49 PM Socialism in smaller countries
5:52 PM Spinal Tap minimum wage argument
6:00 PM Drive Thru pneumatic tube abortion
6:03 PM Photoshop contest entries
6:06 PM Vasectomies
6:10 PM Plugs
6:16 PM END
Saturday, November 22, 2014
The Best of The Anthony Cumia Podcast - Episode 13
Anthony talks about strip clubs and Bill Cosby with Mike Brown (@YoMikeBrown) and Brandon Collins (@Mr_BCollins). Then Anthony discusses a video of a Walmart shoplifter.
iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/best-anthony-cumia-show/id915622390
RSS link: http://www.buzzsprout.com/29034
Please subscribe and rate the podcast on iTunes!
Listen Now:
iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/best-anthony-cumia-show/id915622390
RSS link: http://www.buzzsprout.com/29034
Please subscribe and rate the podcast on iTunes!
Listen Now:
Thursday, November 20, 2014
November 20, 2014 Rundown
4:05 PM Strip clubs back in the day
4:06 PM The rug act
4:10 PM Christmas decorations in the neighborhood
4:12 PM Bill Cosby discussion
4:31 PM Midget chicks
4:35 PM Guys hitting on Ant's chick
4:37 PM Rev. Al behind on his taxes
4:40 PM Wesley Snipes tax problem
4:42 PM Chalky White and Boardwalk Empire
4:50 PM Employers looking at your Facebook
4:55 PM Pussy Juice Lube
5:04 PM Scissoring at strip clubs
5:12 PM 69 discussion
5:14 PM Sex positions
5:33 PM Jager shots
5:35 PM Buying drinks for strippers
5:36 PM Roofies
5:40 PM Bestiality
5:42 PM Boob jobs
5:44 PM Shaved or not shaved?
5:45 PM Ant loses virginity to Buzz
5:50 PM Starr Sisters taste in guys
5:52 PM Tattoos
5:58 PM Age they entered porn
5:59 PM Twitter plugs
6:00 PM Spreading Ebola
6:06 PM Foreign policy
6:10 PM Plugs
6:11 PM Brandon Collins leaves to piss
6:12 PM END
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
November 19, 2014 Rundown
4:00 PM Buffalo apparently can't handle the snow
4:02 PM Girls basketball team stuck on bus
4:04 PM Girls lezzing out on the bus fantasy
4:06 PM STORY - Bill Cosby fallout continues
4:16 PM Re-enactment of Cosby NBC meeting
4:19 PM VIDEO - The View discusses Cosby
4:33 PM VIDEO - Don Lemon ask Cosby victim why she didn't use her teeth
4:37 PM VIDEO - Don Lemon apologizes
4:39 PM VIDEO - Janice Dickinson accuses Cosby
4:44 PM CALL - Lady Trucker - Ohio - Calls BS on Janice Dickinson
4:45 PM CALL - David - ND - Lives in Dickinson, ND.
4:48 PM Hot midgets 1 2 3 4
5:05 PM STORY - GTA V campers robbed
5:12 PM CALL - Kevin - Houston - Place of robbery is a shit hole
5:15 PM CALL - Sean Maryland - Mall nicknames
5:17 PM Taking the Jaguar to mall parking lots.
5:19 PM VIDEO - Jesse Ventura on the Keystone pipeline.
5:27 PM IMPRESSION - Andrew Dice Ventura
5:28 PM STORY - 10 year old suspended for finger gun.
5:36 PM VIDEO - Vintage toy gun commercials. Secret Sam. Johnny Seven OMA
5:42 PM Real or Fake gun quiz.
5:45 PM Poker Tournament contest entries
5:50 PM VIDEO - "Woman" injects dog urine into her tits
5:56 PM CALL - Dr. Steve - Injecting piss into tits
6:01 PM PICTURE - Guy Fieri with real hair
6:03 PM Guest preview
6:08 PM END
4:00 PM Buffalo apparently can't handle the snow
4:02 PM Girls basketball team stuck on bus
4:04 PM Girls lezzing out on the bus fantasy
4:06 PM STORY - Bill Cosby fallout continues
4:16 PM Re-enactment of Cosby NBC meeting
4:19 PM VIDEO - The View discusses Cosby
4:33 PM VIDEO - Don Lemon ask Cosby victim why she didn't use her teeth
4:37 PM VIDEO - Don Lemon apologizes
4:39 PM VIDEO - Janice Dickinson accuses Cosby
4:44 PM CALL - Lady Trucker - Ohio - Calls BS on Janice Dickinson
4:45 PM CALL - David - ND - Lives in Dickinson, ND.
4:48 PM Hot midgets 1 2 3 4
5:05 PM STORY - GTA V campers robbed
5:12 PM CALL - Kevin - Houston - Place of robbery is a shit hole
5:15 PM CALL - Sean Maryland - Mall nicknames
5:17 PM Taking the Jaguar to mall parking lots.
5:19 PM VIDEO - Jesse Ventura on the Keystone pipeline.
5:27 PM IMPRESSION - Andrew Dice Ventura
5:28 PM STORY - 10 year old suspended for finger gun.
5:36 PM VIDEO - Vintage toy gun commercials. Secret Sam. Johnny Seven OMA
5:42 PM Real or Fake gun quiz.
5:45 PM Poker Tournament contest entries
5:50 PM VIDEO - "Woman" injects dog urine into her tits
5:56 PM CALL - Dr. Steve - Injecting piss into tits
6:01 PM PICTURE - Guy Fieri with real hair
6:03 PM Guest preview
6:08 PM END
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
November 18, 2014 Rundown
4:01 PM Snowed in in
4:02 PM NYers
reactions to snow
4:03 PM Fake sick
call to Travis
4:05 PM Specific
driving tests for good drivers
4:08 PM Bringing back
bottomless dancing
4:10 PM Ant goes
shopping for video cards
4:12 PM The PC he
buys doesn't work with his video card
4:15 PM Ants hatred
for home PC builders
4:24 PM CALL - Dan -
Philly - Oculus blow job machine
4:26 PM VIDEO - Autoblow 2
4:28 PM Masturbating glove flesh
4:31 PM VIDEO -Oculus XXX
4:37 PM CALL - Jeff -
Indiana - Vic Henley shows interest in poker tournament
4:38 PM CALL - Jarred
- Grand Rapids - Racing games on Oculus
4:44 PM STORY - Bill Cosby allegations
4:45 PM VIDEO -Cosby's Spanish Fly bit
4:50 PM X-Ray Specs
5:15 PM People of Walmart
5:20 PM CALL - Ray -
Brooklyn - Hatred for Walmart video
5:22 PM CALL - Lady
Trucker - Milwaukee Phone horizontal or vertical?
5:22 PM CALL - Ali -
Brooklyn - Dealt with these type of people all the time.
5:50 PM CALL - OCD
Guy - Myrtle Beach - Microphone cord annoys him
5:53 PM CALL - Tom -
England - Walmart in the UK
6:00 PM Upcoming
guest preview
6:02 PM END
Monday, November 17, 2014
November 17, 2014 Rundown
4:00 PM Weekend Recap
4:02 PM Hibachi Grill photo
4:03 PM Old ladies with tramp stamps
4:05 PM Tramp stamps calling cards for white trash
4:05 PM Hanging in the Meat Packing District at Gansevoort
4:12 PM Ant went out this morning in shitty weather!
4:22 PM CONTEST Announcement
4:34 PM Letterman appearance cancelled. Dave had similar
4:38 PM CALL - Rich - Bergen - Poker Tournament questions
4:41 PM CALL - Sydney - Paltalk - Flirting and compliments
4:44 PM White Knights on Twitter against Ant
5:07 PM IMPRESSION - Don West selling finger
5:08 PM STORY - ISIS Beheading - These
Do-Gooders deserve what they get
5:12 PM CALL - Phil - Charlotte - State of Emergency declared in Ferguson
5:18 PM CALL - Tom - Winnipeg - How is Ant doing?
5:20 PM VIDEO - World Star parody
5:38 PM O&A We are the World
5:48 PM Undressing Jesse Ventura
5:50 PM STORY - Vacation Breasts
5:55 PM Rat touching boobs
6:00 PM Poker tourney contest
6:01 PM END
Photoshop Your Way to a Mohegan Sun Prize Pack
It's your chance to win an amazing prize package from Mohegan Sun!
Download these photos and do whatever you want with Anthony.
Just remember... don't do what we know you're thinking of doing. You can send'em - but the winner will be our favorite that DOES NOT include a dick.
Send your finished pictures to info@anthonycumia.com with the subject line "Photoshop Contest".
Also post them on Twitter - tag @TheCumiaShow and #TACSpoker.
Send them by THIS FRIDAY at 12:PM EST
Prize Pack:
A room for 2 at Mohegan Sun
Tickets to the Comedy Show
Free entrance into the Poker Tournament
Sunday, November 16, 2014
FREE Week of Shows - November 24 through 26
You know you want to watch.
We're kicking off the holiday season with free access to our live stream shows Monday, November 24 through Wednesday November 26.
Just log on to www.anthonycumia.com at 4:00 p.m. for the live show - if you miss it - you can then catch that episode later on our YouTube channel. Each live show runs from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Subscribe to our YouTube and get notifications when new content is available.
Want to know who will be on the show? Like the official show page at www.facebook.com/Anthonycumiashow and follow on twitter @TheCumiaShow. It promises to be a week that'll leave you thankful you watched.
The Anthony Cumia Show makes a great gift! Subscriptions are $6.95 per month, $32.95 for six months, or $59.95 per year (that's less than $5 a month.) Online subscribers also get access to the network's live Paltalk.com chat room, downloadable podcasts for your mobile device and unscheduled programming - AND THE APP IS COMING in 2015.
For more information send an email to info@anthonycumia.com.
We're kicking off the holiday season with free access to our live stream shows Monday, November 24 through Wednesday November 26.
Just log on to www.anthonycumia.com at 4:00 p.m. for the live show - if you miss it - you can then catch that episode later on our YouTube channel. Each live show runs from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Subscribe to our YouTube and get notifications when new content is available.
Want to know who will be on the show? Like the official show page at www.facebook.com/Anthonycumiashow and follow on twitter @TheCumiaShow. It promises to be a week that'll leave you thankful you watched.
The Anthony Cumia Show makes a great gift! Subscriptions are $6.95 per month, $32.95 for six months, or $59.95 per year (that's less than $5 a month.) Online subscribers also get access to the network's live Paltalk.com chat room, downloadable podcasts for your mobile device and unscheduled programming - AND THE APP IS COMING in 2015.
For more information send an email to info@anthonycumia.com.
See The Anthony Cumia Show in person
Anthony Cumia is taking his show on the road to Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, CT. Friday and Saturday, December 5 and 6 will be your chance to meet the uncensored talk show host in a series of events at the casino.
Cumia will stream his broadcast in front of a live audience on Friday, December 5, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. from the Vista Lounge.
Friday evening, 9:00 p.m. he hosts the casino's Texas Hold 'Em-style Tournament. Players can buy into the event for $120.00. To purchase a ticket go to http://mohegansun.com/playing/poker.html
On Saturday, the weekend wraps with a comedy show hosted by Cumia featuring Big Jay Oakerson at 10:30 p.m.
As more Mohegan Sun trip info is confirmed - we will post www.anthonycumia.com under the News & Info link. To book a room at the casino go to mohegansun.com. Questions on the Anthony Cumia event, send an email info@anthonycumia.com.
Cumia will stream his broadcast in front of a live audience on Friday, December 5, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. from the Vista Lounge.
Friday evening, 9:00 p.m. he hosts the casino's Texas Hold 'Em-style Tournament. Players can buy into the event for $120.00. To purchase a ticket go to http://mohegansun.com/playing/poker.html
On Saturday, the weekend wraps with a comedy show hosted by Cumia featuring Big Jay Oakerson at 10:30 p.m.
As more Mohegan Sun trip info is confirmed - we will post www.anthonycumia.com under the News & Info link. To book a room at the casino go to mohegansun.com. Questions on the Anthony Cumia event, send an email info@anthonycumia.com.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Contest Rules
The sponsor of this contest is Live From the Compound, LLC, P.O. Box 179, Albertson, NY 11507 (“Company”).
Poker Tournament Photoshop Contest (the “Contest”) begins on
November 17, 2014 and concludes at 12:00 PM EST on November 21, 2014.
Information on how to enter and prizes form part of these official
rules (“Official Rules”). By submitting an “Entry”, as
defined hereinbelow, each entrant agrees to the Official Rules and
warrants that his or her Entry complies with all requirements set out
in the Official Rules. This is a skill-based contest and chance plays
no part in the determination of winners.
Contest is open to any person who has reached the age of majority in
their jurisdiction at the time of Entry. Employees or
independent contractors of Company, and its subsidiaries, affiliates,
and sponsors, and their immediate family members (spouse, parent,
child, sibling and their respective spouses, regardless of where they
live) or persons living in the same households of such employees or
independent contractors, whether or not related, are not eligible.
“Entry” consists of a single “Photoshoped” image of the
photo(s) located at
To enter, email the Entry to Info@AnthonyCumia.com
with your name, address, telephone number, and email address. Also,
post the Entry to Twitter and tag @TheCumiashow and #TACSpoker. Only
emailed Entries will be eligible.
The Entry, in its entirety, must be a single work of original authorship prepared by the Contest entrant. By entering the Contest, entrant represents, acknowledges, and warrants that the submitted Entry is an original work created solely by the entrant, that the Entry does not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity, and that no other party has any right, title, claim, or interest in the Entry.
The Entry must not, in the sole and unfettered discretion of Anthony Cumia (“Cumia”), contain obscene, defamatory, or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate content.
first place winner will receive a room for two at the Mohegan Sun
during the TACS poker tournament, tickets to a comedy show, and free
entry into the TACS poker tournament. The prize(s) are
non-transferable, non-assignable, and no cash alternative or other
substitution is available.
At Company’s election, potential winners may be required to sign and return, within three (3) days following an attempted notification, an Affidavit, Declaration or Certificate of Eligibility, Liability Release, Tax and other governmental forms, and Warranty of Ownership and License in which the entrant warrants that he/she is the owner of the Entry (and all the intellectual property rights in the Entry). Failure to execute and deliver any required documents to Company by the specified deadline may result in disqualification from the Contest, and selection of an alternate potential winner. NONCOMPLIANCE OR RETURN OF PRIZE NOTIFICATION AS UNDELIVERABLE, WHETHER BY REGULAR MAIL OR BY EMAIL, MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION AND SELECTION OF AN ALTERNATE POTENTIAL WINNER.
If a prize (or part of a prize) is unavailable, Company, in its discretion, reserves the right to substitute the original prize (or that part of the prize) with an alternative prize, unless to do so would be prohibited by law.
The Contest shall be judged by
Anthony Cumia, in his sole and unfettered discretion. The
decision(s) of Anthony Cumia are final and binding.
entering the Contest, all entrants grant an irrevocable, perpetual,
worldwide non-exclusive license to Company and its licensees (the
“Authorized Parties”) to reproduce, distribute, display and
create derivative works of the Entries in any media now or hereafter
known. Display or publication of any Entry does not indicate the
entrant will be selected as a winner. Authorized Parties will not be
required to pay any additional consideration or seek any additional
approval in connection with such use.
entering this Contest, all entrants agree to release, discharge, and
hold harmless Company and its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries,
advertising agencies, agents and their employees, officers,
directors, and representatives from any claims, losses, and damages
arising out of their participation in this Contest or any
Contest-related activities and the acceptance and use, misuse, or
possession of any prize awarded hereunder.
assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption,
deletion, defect, or delay in operation or transmission;
communications line failure; theft or destruction of or unauthorized
access to Contest Entries or alteration of Entries. Company is
not responsible for any problems with or technical malfunction of any
telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or
providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any email Entry
to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion
on the Internet or at any website, human errors of any kind, or any
combination thereof, including any injury or damage to entrants’ or
any other persons’ computers related to or resulting from
participation, uploading or downloading of any materials related to
in this Contest.
CONTEST IS VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Entrants agree that this Contest
shall be subject to and governed by the laws of the State of New
York, without respect to its conflict of laws principles, and the
forum for any dispute shall be in New York City, New York. To the
extent permitted by law, the right to litigate, to seek injunctive
relief or to make any other recourse to judicial or any other
procedure in case of disputes or claims resulting from or on
connection with this Contest are hereby excluded and any entrant
expressly waives any and all such rights. Certain restrictions may
apply. Entries void if the Company determines the Entry to not be an
original or is illegible, incomplete, damaged, irregular, altered,
counterfeit, produced in error or obtained through fraud or theft.
By entering, entrants also agree (a) to be bound by these Official Rules; (b) that the decision(s) of Anthony Cumia is/are final and binding with respect to all matters relating to the Contest; and (c) if the entrant wins, that Company may use the winning Entry and each winner’s name, photograph, likeness, and/or voice in any publicity or advertising relating to the Contest, the Anthony Cumia Show, or future promotions without compensation or approval (except where prohibited by law). All federal, state/provincial/territorial, and local taxes, fees and surcharges and taxes (whether foreign or domestic, and including income, sales, and import taxes) on prizes are the sole responsibility of the prize winner(s). In the event that the selected winner(s) of any prize is/are ineligible, cannot be traced or does/do not respond within three (3) days to a winner notification as required by the “Contest Prizes” Rules above, or refuses the prize, the prize will be forfeited and Company, in its sole discretion, may choose whether to award the prize to another entrant. No entrant may win more than one prize in connection with this Contest.
The Company reserves the right to verify the validity and originality of any Entry and/or entrant (including an entrant’s identity and address) and to disqualify any entrant who submits an Entry that is not in accordance with these Official Rules or who tampers with the entry process. Failure by the Company to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights.
for any reason the Contest is not capable of running as planned for
any reason including, but not limited to, human error, infection by
computer virus, bugs, worms, trojan horses, denial of service
attacks, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical
failures, or any other causes beyond the control of Company that
corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity,
or proper conduct of this Contest, Company reserves the right, at its
sole discretion, to disqualify any individual(s) who tamper with the
entry process, and/or to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the
Official Rules are subject to change without notice. If any
provision of these Official Rules is found to be invalid by any court
having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall
not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Official
Rules, which shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any
term of these Official Rules shall be deemed a further or continuing
waiver of such term or any other term. These Official Rules
constitute the entire agreement between you and Company with respect
to the Contest. No changes to these Official Rules shall be
made except by a revised posting on this webpage, and these Official
Rules may not be modified by any advertisements of Company or oral or
written communications by Company, except for a written communication
from an authorized officer of Company.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Update from Keith The Cop
A note from the self proclaimed Executive Producer
Some of you by now may have received an email if you had been a subscriber or signed up for anthonycumia.com but never subscribed to the show.
We want to thank you for your responses. These emails were designed to get your feedback as the fans who pay for, did pay for and will pay for the show. While it was a mass mailing, the emails come back directly to the show. Anthony, Rat, Stinky and I read every email personally and take to heart your opinions, criticism and accolades (Even if they suck). Some of you may even see things you asked for in the email implemented into future shows.
The show continues to grow and like I've said in previous posts every day we look to improve and give you what you want (ie downloadable video, phone apps, Roku, etc). As we work towards implementing all these new features rolling out in the next few months, we ask that you continue to let us know what you think on a regular basis.
Remember that if your not a current subscriber the week of November 24th you will be able to watch the show LIVE for free on the front page.
Thanks for all the support
Some of you by now may have received an email if you had been a subscriber or signed up for anthonycumia.com but never subscribed to the show.
We want to thank you for your responses. These emails were designed to get your feedback as the fans who pay for, did pay for and will pay for the show. While it was a mass mailing, the emails come back directly to the show. Anthony, Rat, Stinky and I read every email personally and take to heart your opinions, criticism and accolades (Even if they suck). Some of you may even see things you asked for in the email implemented into future shows.
The show continues to grow and like I've said in previous posts every day we look to improve and give you what you want (ie downloadable video, phone apps, Roku, etc). As we work towards implementing all these new features rolling out in the next few months, we ask that you continue to let us know what you think on a regular basis.
Remember that if your not a current subscriber the week of November 24th you will be able to watch the show LIVE for free on the front page.
Thanks for all the support
"Best Of" Podcast - Episode 12
In this week's wrap-up, Anthony is joined in studio by Mike Brown (@YoMikeBrown), Actor Kevin Corrigan (@KevinFCorrigan) talks Goodfellas with Ant by the bar, and Anthony discovers miscarriage caskets.
iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/best-anthony-cumia-show/id915622390
RSS link: http://www.buzzsprout.com/29034
Please subscribe and rate the podcast on iTunes!
Listen Now:
iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/best-anthony-cumia-show/id915622390
RSS link: http://www.buzzsprout.com/29034
Please subscribe and rate the podcast on iTunes!
Listen Now:
Thursday, November 13, 2014
November 13 Show Rundown
You can use this as a guide to find out where to fast-forward in the archived episode. We've also included some of the links we talked about on the show.
Watch it here: https://www.anthonycumia.com/vod
4:00 PM - START
4:04 PM - Taylor Swift Shake it Off - www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfWlot6h_JM
4:05 PM - VIDEO - Mom parody song - https://www.yahoo.com/parenting/hilarious-mom-parody-of-taylor-swifts-shake-it-102532705207.html
4:08 PM - Artie Lange on Opie and Jimmy
4:12 PM - Fuck SiriusXM
4:14 PM - Immigration reform
4:22 PM - Bummed about Artie interview
4:22 PM - Occulus Rift
4:27 PM - Cake Boss DUI - http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Cake-Boss-Buddy-Valastro-Arrested-DWI-Manhattan-10th-Avenue-282545541.html
4:36 PM - Ant DUI/pullover stories
4:41 PM - CALL - Joey - Howard Beach - Attorney DWI vs DWAI
4:47 PM - CALL - KEITH THE COP - Poker update
4:51 PM - VIDEO - Drunk Karaoke is Ant drunk?
4:53 PM - Even Flow - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiMwPATqmWo&list=UUZfBMqj1pN_jbtgn46qkIIA
4:56 PM - White Room - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fELYPng4sT4&list=UUZfBMqj1pN_jbtgn46qkIIA
4:57 PM - Poker Tournament surprise announcement!
4:58 PM - CALL - Kevin - PA - Ant sounds good singing Karaoke
4:59 PM - Not easy being an entertainer
5:00 PM - VIDEO - Ant Karaoke Neill Diamond - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv1GSUVQjCw&list=UUZfBMqj1pN_jbtgn46qkIIA
5:01 PM - Stalker Patty at Jaws party
5:02 PM - Probe landing on comet
5:05 PM - pic of comet against LA - http://www.iflscience.com/space/graphic-shows-size-rosettas-comet
5:07 PM - LIVE READ KLT Industries / Poker Tournament
5:08 PM - Red Eye plug
5:09 PM - Ferguson grand jury decision news alert - http://news.yahoo.com/awaiting-ferguson-grand-jury-activists-drill-protest-tactics-192355963.html
5:13 PM - Grand jury prediction
5:14 PM - 11 kids shot in Milwaukee - http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/11/12/just-put-the-guns-down-11-children-in-milwaukee-shot-this-year.html
5:16 PM - Miscarriage caskets - https://www.inthelightcaskets.com/infant-caskets.html
5:20 PM - Reviews
5:24 PM - VIDEO - Milwaukee Police Chief has had it
5:32 PM - CALL - Nucky Thompson - Miscarriage caskets
5:33 PM - VIDEO - 8 Ball Slap - Update - slapper released - http://gothamist.com/2014/11/12/all_charges_dropped_against_8-ball.php
5:35 PM - STORY - Door on Bono's plane falls off - http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/13/travel/bono-airplane-mishap/
5:37 PM - IMPRESSION - Joe Cumia reports on Bono
5:40 PM - STORY - Drone almost kills person - http://www.theverge.com/2014/11/13/7205741/i-almost-killed-someone-with-a-drone
5:48 PM - No such thing as freedom
5:52 PM - CALL - Joe - Buffalo - Scorch PFG TV update
5:52 PM - STORY - Update - Kid in a hot car. Dad was sexting
5:58 PM - CALL - 80s dating video montage suggestion
5:58 PM - Lazlo's friend Big Wayne dies
5:59 PM - Ant hates wakes and funerals
6:03 PM - Thank yous
6:04 PM - END
Watch it here: https://www.anthonycumia.com/vod
4:00 PM - START
4:04 PM - Taylor Swift Shake it Off - www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfWlot6h_JM
4:05 PM - VIDEO - Mom parody song - https://www.yahoo.com/parenting/hilarious-mom-parody-of-taylor-swifts-shake-it-102532705207.html
4:08 PM - Artie Lange on Opie and Jimmy
4:12 PM - Fuck SiriusXM
4:14 PM - Immigration reform
4:22 PM - Bummed about Artie interview
4:22 PM - Occulus Rift
4:27 PM - Cake Boss DUI - http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Cake-Boss-Buddy-Valastro-Arrested-DWI-Manhattan-10th-Avenue-282545541.html
4:36 PM - Ant DUI/pullover stories
4:41 PM - CALL - Joey - Howard Beach - Attorney DWI vs DWAI
4:47 PM - CALL - KEITH THE COP - Poker update
4:51 PM - VIDEO - Drunk Karaoke is Ant drunk?
4:53 PM - Even Flow - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiMwPATqmWo&list=UUZfBMqj1pN_jbtgn46qkIIA
4:56 PM - White Room - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fELYPng4sT4&list=UUZfBMqj1pN_jbtgn46qkIIA
4:57 PM - Poker Tournament surprise announcement!
4:58 PM - CALL - Kevin - PA - Ant sounds good singing Karaoke
4:59 PM - Not easy being an entertainer
5:00 PM - VIDEO - Ant Karaoke Neill Diamond - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv1GSUVQjCw&list=UUZfBMqj1pN_jbtgn46qkIIA
5:01 PM - Stalker Patty at Jaws party
5:02 PM - Probe landing on comet
5:05 PM - pic of comet against LA - http://www.iflscience.com/space/graphic-shows-size-rosettas-comet
5:07 PM - LIVE READ KLT Industries / Poker Tournament
5:08 PM - Red Eye plug
5:09 PM - Ferguson grand jury decision news alert - http://news.yahoo.com/awaiting-ferguson-grand-jury-activists-drill-protest-tactics-192355963.html
5:13 PM - Grand jury prediction
5:14 PM - 11 kids shot in Milwaukee - http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/11/12/just-put-the-guns-down-11-children-in-milwaukee-shot-this-year.html
5:16 PM - Miscarriage caskets - https://www.inthelightcaskets.com/infant-caskets.html
5:20 PM - Reviews
5:24 PM - VIDEO - Milwaukee Police Chief has had it
5:32 PM - CALL - Nucky Thompson - Miscarriage caskets
5:33 PM - VIDEO - 8 Ball Slap - Update - slapper released - http://gothamist.com/2014/11/12/all_charges_dropped_against_8-ball.php
5:35 PM - STORY - Door on Bono's plane falls off - http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/13/travel/bono-airplane-mishap/
5:37 PM - IMPRESSION - Joe Cumia reports on Bono
5:40 PM - STORY - Drone almost kills person - http://www.theverge.com/2014/11/13/7205741/i-almost-killed-someone-with-a-drone
5:48 PM - No such thing as freedom
5:52 PM - CALL - Joe - Buffalo - Scorch PFG TV update
5:52 PM - STORY - Update - Kid in a hot car. Dad was sexting
5:58 PM - CALL - 80s dating video montage suggestion
5:58 PM - Lazlo's friend Big Wayne dies
5:59 PM - Ant hates wakes and funerals
6:03 PM - Thank yous
6:04 PM - END
The Anthony Cumia Show and AnthonyCumia.com - Terms and Conditions
UPDATED (7/23/15)
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Terms and Conditions for www.anthonycumia.com are now available here https://www.anthonycumia.com/terms-of-service/
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