4:01 PM Snowed in in
4:02 PM NYers
reactions to snow
4:03 PM Fake sick
call to Travis
4:05 PM Specific
driving tests for good drivers
4:08 PM Bringing back
bottomless dancing
4:10 PM Ant goes
shopping for video cards
4:12 PM The PC he
buys doesn't work with his video card
4:15 PM Ants hatred
for home PC builders
4:24 PM CALL - Dan -
Philly - Oculus blow job machine
4:26 PM VIDEO - Autoblow 2
4:28 PM Masturbating glove flesh
4:31 PM VIDEO -Oculus XXX
4:37 PM CALL - Jeff -
Indiana - Vic Henley shows interest in poker tournament
4:38 PM CALL - Jarred
- Grand Rapids - Racing games on Oculus
4:44 PM STORY - Bill Cosby allegations
4:45 PM VIDEO -Cosby's Spanish Fly bit
4:50 PM X-Ray Specs
5:15 PM People of Walmart
5:20 PM CALL - Ray -
Brooklyn - Hatred for Walmart video
5:22 PM CALL - Lady
Trucker - Milwaukee Phone horizontal or vertical?
5:22 PM CALL - Ali -
Brooklyn - Dealt with these type of people all the time.
5:50 PM CALL - OCD
Guy - Myrtle Beach - Microphone cord annoys him
5:53 PM CALL - Tom -
England - Walmart in the UK
6:00 PM Upcoming
guest preview
6:02 PM END
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