0:00 START
0:00 Old ladies' hair dos
0:02 Ant's dad didn't want to grow
up either
0:04 The Interview debacle
0:12 That's my Bush
0:17 Ant tweets similar joke to
Patton Oswalt
0:19 Pulling the Cosby show does
0:21 PM Taylor Swift's catchy songs
0:22 PM Taylor Swift's exes
0:23 PM VIDEO - Brittany Spears
0:26 Keith turned off the studio
0:30 Back to Brittany
0:32 VIDEO - Women cops take down
naked guy
0:38 Keith arresting a naked man
0:41 CALL - Doug - Louisiana - What
if Eric Garner was nude?
0:45 Laugh Your Snowballs Off plug
0:46 Bob Kelly Santa plug
0:48 Pissing away 2 million dollars
0:49 Ant scared ex-wife might have
killed him for the money
0:54 CALL - Sean - NJ - Naked white
guy shot by cops
0:56 Spying in on the YKWD podcast
0:58 YKWD crossover
1:02 CALL - Joe - LI - Info on ex
1:16 Thalidomide babies
1:20 Ant gets in trouble at school
1:23 Ant draws swastikas on his
1:26 Ant blames a fire on black guys
1:28 CALL - Ari - NY - Almost shot by
1:33 VIDEO - Kid works at UPS
1:34 CALL - Pete - Long Island -
Woman calls cops on him
1:38 CALL - James - VA - Jarred
Taylor guest pitch
1:41 CALL - Tom - Philly - Swastikas
1:44 CALL - Bobo - Happy Holidays
1:50 Old time ads
2:05 END
where's the show?